Sunday, May 25, 2014

terminal new

I've been gone for quite some time and the things around me haven't changed. What did change was the way I saw things. The way I saw myself. I spent numerous weeks in a rural land far, far away, in what felt like solitary confinement from what I was used to. The people were different. The events were different. I remained the same. I was put in an environment that I wasn't so used to anymore. I let my usual self be and mishaps came my way, one after the other. I returned to the urban setting I was so used to and I realized I wasn't happy anymore. I think that's what happens when you're stripped down to the bare necessities. You realize what is important, what is wrong, what makes you unhappy, what makes your flawed. Safe to say, I am sick of who I have become. All these flashy things and expensive adventures can't hide the distinct smell of 20-something wasting her life away. So this marks my desire to turn a new page, maybe even end a book and start anew. You know how people move countries to make a new life? Well I've taken off terminal one and I'm ready to land in terminal 'new'. The journey will be bumpy and full of turbulence but I don't mind.

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